It is with great pleasure that I have taken over as Project Director with the blessings of the higher authorities. Our project “Community-based Sustainable Forest Management for Water Resources Conservation in Manipur” is the first externally aided project executed by the Forest Department, Manipur. As the name suggests, it is a community-based project unlike other Schemes, projects undertaken by the Department. The project is implemented by the Project Management Unit (PMU) at the State level and by the District Project Management Unit (DPMU) at the District level. Though the technical inputs on scientific forestry and watershed management will come from the Forest Department, it is the project villages which will be the end destination of the approved funds. The project is being implemented through village level institutions called Water Resources Conservation Group (WRCG).
At the village level, the project will enhance livelihood opportunities while regenerating forest health. At the State level, the project will improve the water retention capacity of the watersheds and help in mitigating floods. At the National and Global level, the project will help in the fight against climate change.
Aristotle once said that, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”.
I believe that the project will fully achieve its intended objectives when the local communities owned the project with their heart. In addition, may I also mention that the continual blessings of the higher authorities would be vital for the success of the project.
Project Director,
CF & WCS-Manipur