Key Activities:
  1. Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC)
  2. Establishment of community-based Organisations (CBOs)/ Water Resource Conservation Groups (WRCG) in each village
  3. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
  4. Participatory Land-Use Planning (PLUP)
  5. Development of forest and watershed management plans
  6. Implementation of various forest models on degraded forest areas and riparian buffer zones, close-to-nature stream management and torrent control, sustainable timber utilization, development and implementation of 5-year forest management plans etc.
  7. Strengthening/establishment Self Help Groups, village micro plan development, supporting NTFP and farm income generation, small scale community infrastructure development.
  8. Comprehensive capacity development measures for village communities, local partnering NGOs and counterpart staff across all project activities based on identified needs
  9. Participatory monitoring