At the very outset, I take this opportunity to introduce the first-ever Externally Aided Project (EAP) emanating from the Indo-German Cooperation framework for the betterment of Himalayas. The Community-based Sustainable Forest Managemen (COSFOM) for Water Resources Conservation in Manipur will be managed under the aegis of Community Forestry and Water Conservation (CF&WC) Society, a registered Society under the Societies of Registration Act of Manipur, 1989. A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be overseeing the progress through a Project Management Unit (PMU).
Let me assure you all that COSFOM is going to help the state government transform lives of thousands in 50 villages spread across two districts of Imphal River Watershed, Shirui River Watershed, Ukhrul and Singda Dam Watershed. With the technical support of National/International consultants and village-based volunteer groups, as Project Implementation Agency, named as Water Resource Conservation Groups and its Committees (WRCGs/WRCCs), the project will pilot its interventions in first year and gradually will lead communities towards restoration, conservation, preservation and protection of forests. Simultaneously, the project will be constantly evaluating and where needed will help locals to improve the management of watersheds so that they can use water resources intelligently, efficiently and sustainably for domestic and irrigation purposes by developing channels and reservoirs in each of the participating village.
The project will also assess critical infrastructure needs of the communities and other essential services under entry point activities and community infrastructure programs. To improve living standard of communities and reduce pressure on natural resources in project villages, the project will undertake comprehensive livelihood and income generation activities through SHGs, FUGs etc. and LPG connection to deserving households.
Let me clarify here that this project has no direct or indirect impact on the legal status of land ownership of the project villages but will only work on restoration and conservation. Improved forests and water streams for sure will have a positive impact on the livelihood of the villagers. From personal experiences, I know that only better management of natural resources can ensure a better environment for all of us; so join us in this noble cause.
Mr. N. Kipgen
Former Project Director
Community Forestry & Water Conservation Society
Imphal, Manipur
06 March 2020